2015년 3월 23일 월요일

speed date.

with 김다랑

What is your dream job?
If you have friends what would you cook?
What was your best weekend this year?
What do you consider your best/worst attributes?
Would you ever need/want to live with your parents?

What do you consider your best/worst attributes?
-> I heard that attributes is attractive. 
My best attribute is whenever i want to do , i do.
My worst attribute is there is nothing finished. haha...

with 성지

What kind of movies do you like?
What is your dream job?
What is your favorite actor now?
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
What time in history would you have liked to be born in and why?

What time in history would you have liked to be born in and why?
-> I want to be born in New Stone Age.
I want to feel their lives.
The stories in the history book are pablum.

with Grace

How are you today?
What did you do last weekend?
If you could invite anyone, dead or alive, to dinner, who would it be?

댓글 3개:

  1. I'm still struggling with uploading my voice recording files lol. Anyway.. nice speed dates haha :)

  2. I'm happy with you~ I got to know about you many things:)

  3. Hope you have speed dating with you next time:)!!
