2015년 5월 14일 목요일

second project plan

I'm going to do whipers Q&A with Eunsoen like this.
We will make questions with some words that we don't know.
It could be great time.

2015년 5월 8일 금요일

flipped classroom

I saw some videos about flipped classroom.
It was very interesting.

Korean education is focused around cramming and memorization.
Also I studied with these ways.
There are many problems.
one of them is students lose interest.
Many students study in the same class.
Some people understand contents of classes but the others do not.
Finally they lose interest.

But flipped classroom changed these problems.

I watched a experiment on the video.
At first many students slept during classes and they didn't have any drive.
Teachers changed the method of education.
"Watch online lectures at home. We will do another thing in a class."
At the beginning, Students didn't watch videos.
Of course, Teachers could do nothing.
But as time went by, Students saw online lectures.
So Teachers and Students could do something active and interesting during the class.
It was effective.
Finally students got better scores than before.
Also they didn't sleep during the class .

I think our education system has to change.
Because the most important thing is students have interest.
But our system doesn't give us something interesting.
It only wants us to compete with each other.
Of course, competition is important but It is too harsh.
I know that changing system is difficult.
However,I think they should think about changing teaching method if our country think students.

First SHELF Project

I explained my whole life.
It was quiet difficult.
Because I'm not good at drawing and It was the first time to edit my own video.
And I thought I want to learn how to edit videos well.
I'll study myself:D.
It was a good experience.

<Words that I don't know>
a medical condition in which there are too few red cells in your blood
-blood transfusion
the process of putting blood into someone's body as a medical treatment

2015년 5월 2일 토요일

Intensive Shadow Speaking Practice

From Erin Brockovich

  • Listen/Whisper
  • Listen/Repeat
  • Listen/ Shadow Read
  • Try anything else you this will be helpful
  • Listen/Record 

I did everything, and It was effective to me.
Actually I'm not good at speaking English well .
But I thought The more I practice, The more I can speak well.
I think recording and whisper were helpful.
